Sermons on Testimony

Sermons on Testimony

A Divine Dining Experience Sermon Series

A Divine Invitation – Breakfast on the Beach

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 21; Acts 2 Sermon Big Idea:  Peter, the fisherman, is called to fish for men. He shares his testimony of Jesus while frying fish on an open fire.  Why did Jesus say 2 swords were enough? Do you think Peter’s denial of Christ was prompted by fear or confusion? What is your comfort zone or security blanket that may be hindering you from serving Christ fully? Was 153 the largest catch Peter and the Apostles were involved How COVID has affected us
This is our Story

This is our Story

Hear the story of 4 unique individuals and how God is working in their lives. Darcy Shetler shares how she was able to complete reading through her Bible in 2018 while juggling a home business, work outside the home, a husband, and 3 children Larry Stern and Mike Peacock talk with Andy about being part of a KCC Life group and the impact it has had on their spiritual lives. Misty Groleau shares a death defying testimony of how God How COVID has affected us