Sermons on Satan

Sermons on Satan

The Great Cover Up Sermon Series from March 2024 at the Kalkaska Church of Christ

Shedding the Shackle

Sermon Series:  The Great Cover-Up Sermon Title:  Shedding the Shackles Sermon Scripture: Exodus Exodus 1:1-14,22 Exodus 2:23-25; 3:19-20; 6:1 Exodus 12:1-13 Exodus 12:29-32 Revelation 1:4-5 John 8:34-36 Nothing can free us from death except the mighty hand of God, which reveals itself as cleansing blood.
The Great Cover Up Sermon Series from March 2024 at the Kalkaska Church of Christ

Revealing Redemption

Sermon Series:  The Great Cover-Up Sermon Title:  Revealing Redemption Sermon Scripture: Genesis 3,37-50 Genesis 3:14-15 Genesis 37:4,8,11,18-20,23-24,26-28,33 Genesis 42:6-7 Genesis 50:15-20 Satan’s attempts to cover up God’s plan are God’s platform to uncover His redemption. Romans 12:2

One Victory

With deception Satan destroys (Revelation 16:13-16) With truth Jesus destroys (Revelation 19:11-21) With power God reigns victorious (Revelation 16:17-21; 19:1-2) With righteous deeds the church is prepared (Revelation 19:6-9) Any plan that makes life about us is the deceptive voice of Satan.  When we use the sword of truth to guide our life, we will be a prepared, righteous bride for the coming of the lamb.  

One Enemy

The story of Satan He is a fallen angel Isaiah 14:12-14 Ezekiel 28:12b-16a He is a liar Genesis 3:1-5 John 8:44 His future was laid out for him Genesis 3:13-15 He lived up to his curse… Genesis 4:6-7 Esther 3:5-6 Matthew 2:13-16 Matthew 4:1 Luke 22:3-6 Luke 23:43-46 …But so did God! Isaiah 14:15 Ezekiel 28:16b Luke 24:5-6 I contend to you three things… Revelation retells Satan’s past Revelation 12 Revelation explains Satan’s present Revelation 13,17,18,20 Revelation makes clear Satan’s How COVID has affected us

Extract Satan

Sermon Scripture:  1 Thessalonians 1-3 Sermon Big Idea:  We can rescue our community and surrounding communities using the same plan God had for Thessalonica Thessalonica was commended for their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope. (1 Thessalonians 1:2-7) In word Power of the Spirit Full conviction Thessalonica was commended for hearing the Word and being doers of the Word. (1 Thessalonians 1:8-10) How they received the missionaries How they turned from idols Their patience Paul’s example How COVID has affected us

The Lion is not a Reliable Pet

1 Peter 5:8-9 Daniel 6:1-3 Daniel became the prey Daniel 6:4-9 The jealous lions were licking their lips Daniel 6:10-15 The prowling lions pounced Daniel 6:16-24 The prey prayed and found favor with THE King Daniel 6:25-28 The prowling lion took another blow to the head Genesis 3:15 The lion’s pride was not enough to destroy a lion’s heart Luke 2:52

Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit

Mark 3:22-30 Beelzebub… was good (Genesis 1:31) fell from Heaven (Luke 10:18) Is an adversary to Jesus (Job 1-2; Mark 1:13) Is attempting to destroy Jesus and us (1 Peter 5:8) Jesus… was and is good (2 Corinthians 5:21) lifts up the fallen (Mark 1-2) Is our ally (Matthew 11:28-30) Came to restore (John 3:17) Scribes… were good (Matthew 23:1-3) had fallen (Matthew 23:1-36) became adversarial (Mark 2:1-12) were setting out to destroy Jesus (Mark 3:6) John 16:4b-11 Holy Spirit How COVID has affected us