Sermons on Heaven
Who Chose Whom?
Matthew 22:1-3 Matthew 22:4-6 Matthew 22:7 Matthew 22:8-10 Matthew 22:11-14 Matthew 25:41 There will be a celebration. Everyone is invited. Only those who fully accept the invitation will have a place at the table.
One Home
Heaven is… Physical (Revelation 21:9-14) Perfect (Revelation 21:1-2) God with us (Revelation 21:3) The curse brought division between… God and man (Genesis 3:20-24) Man and man (Genesis 3:16) Man and nature (Genesis 3:17-19) The final victory reconciled… God and man (Revelation 21:5-8) Man and man (Revelation 21:4) Man and nature Revelation 22:1-2) Understanding the next life will motivate us to prepare and share while in this life.
I was a Zombie
Ephesians 2:1-10 We all are/were dead followers (2:1-3) We all can be resurrected by a grave robbing God (2:4-5) We haven’t seen nothing yet (2:6-7) We were given a gift, now we open it and use it for His glory (2:8-10) We aren’t saved by being good, we are saved by his goodness to do his good.
For the Directionally Challenged
Some things to know about heading for Heaven Travel light Drop the baggage of the past – Psalm 103:12 Pick up the yoke of Jesus – Matthew 11:29 You won’t always know the route If the route includes love, stay on it – John 13:35 If the route makes much of Jesus, stay on it – John 3:30 Steer away from distractions No other destination offers as much – Matthew 7:13 Not all off ramps let you back on the How COVID has affected us
Because of His Power
Sermon Scripture: Mark 12:18-27 Mark 12:18-27 Deuteronomy 25:5-10 What will the resurrection be like? Will we look the same? Will we sound the same? Will we know the same people? Will we be married? What matters is that we believe it will happen. What do we believe about God’s power? God made it all (Genesis 1:1) God destroyed it all (Genesis 6) God loved it all (Genesis 1:31, John 3:16) I vote Jesus means… We are ALL His We believe How COVID has affected us