Sermons by Andy Bratton (Page 34)

Sermons by Andy Bratton (Page 34)

A Healthy Relationship is all Wet

What the Bible says about Baptism: Baptism washes away sin.  (Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16) Baptism comes with the gift of the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 2:38) Unites us with Christ. (Romans 6:5) – put this one on screen We put on Christ.  (Galatians 3:27) – put this one on screen Baptism enters you into membership of the body of Christ.(1 Corinthians 12:12-13) put this one on screen Baptism saves you. (1 Peter 3:21) – put this one on screen The popular How COVID has affected us
Making a Murder

The Appearance

Mark 15:42-16:14 The appearance of the crucifixion is that the story of Jesus’ life was over. The appearance of an empty tomb meant one of three things: Jesus never died Someone stole the body Jesus was resurrected The appearance is that there was only one murder that week. Live your life in the joy of knowing you experienced your own resurrection!
Making a Murder

Weapons of a Master’s Destruction

The weapons used to kill Jesus… Mark 14:63-65 Mark 15:15 Started with a decision of guilt. Mark 14:65 Mark 15:16-20 Moved to a justifiable humiliation. Mark 15:15 Continued to a convincing physical brutality. Mark 15:21-32 Ended with piercing. Isaiah 53:1-9 God created hearts to love, tongues to praise, and hands to serve. An unconvinced sinner uses their heart to judge, their tongue to condemn, and their hands to destroy.
Making a Murder

A Sentimental Journey

The Israelites were enslaved.  Exodus 1:13 The Israelites cried out and God listened.  Exodus 2:23-25 God sent a deliverer named Moses.  Exodus 3:10 The Israelites listened and obeyed.  Exodus 12:28 The blood of a lamb was used to free them.  Exodus 12:7 Jesus is our Passover lamb. How are you preparing for the ultimate Passover? Prepare by anointing.  Mark 14:8 Prepare by eating.  Mark 14:22-25 Prepare by watching and praying.  Mark 14:38 Don’t waste your life!
Making a Murder

The Plot Thickens

Mark 14:1-2 Mark 14:10-11 Mark 14:43-50 1.  Separate his people from Him Mark 14:53-65 2.  Twist his words Mark 15:1-15 3.  Turn his people away Genesis 3:1-5 Convince everyone that we are better off without Him. James 1:13-15
Making a Murder

The Motive

Sermon Scripture:  Mark 14-16 Judas, Caiaphas, and Pilate were the three suspects. Mark 14:10-11 John 18:14; Mark 14:53-55 Mark 15:15 All three had one thing in common:  A heart apart from God. Mark 14:4-5 Mark 14:1-2 John 19:7-8, 12, 15 Power was the motive behind the killing of Jesus. John 11:45-48 Genesis 3:6 Sin was the charge that led to a guilty plea. Romans 6:23 Isaiah 53:4-5 My name is:  ______________________ and I killed Jesus. Isaiah 61:1

Sign Me Up!

Mark 13:24-31 God’s signs are clear. God’s signs are miraculous. God’s signs are certain. One of God’s signs to us is Jesus.  Don’t wait for other signs to surrender.

Does Jesus Vote You?

Mark 13:3-23 “For decades, we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children’s future for the temporary convenience of the present…. You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?“ The 2 P’s of Prophecy Persuasion Prosecution Jesus demonstrates his love and power in revelation and warning. Jesus How COVID has affected us

For Heaven’s Sake

Mark 12:28-13:2 The quality of our offering is not measured by the amount, but rather by the heart A sacrifice is an offering, but not all offerings are sacrifices. You don’t have to sound the trumpet for God to see your gift. May the building we do with our offerings be Kingdom building.