The One Who Saves

The One Who Saves

The prison of peace

Isaiah 9:6 – completeness, soundness

Luke 2:14 – “among those with whom he is pleased.”

Matthew 10:34 – a state of national tranquility

Our thoughts on peace are…

  1. Be accepting
  2. Be agreeable
  3. Be amicable

Peace as it pertains to Jesus is…

  1. Contrary to the world – John 14:25-27
  2. Justification – Romans 5:1-5
  3. Readiness – Ephesians 6:13-15
  4. A sign – Galatians 5:22-23
  5. A gift – Philippians 4:4-7

Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah prophesied that the One who was coming would bring personal peace, offer the world peace, give us hope for eternal peace, and be the only one to offer completeness.

The pie and the puzzle