Sermons on Spiritual Warfare

Sermons on Spiritual Warfare

Summer Sermon Series 2024 at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Life Speak

Sermon Series:  Summerize Sermon Title:  Life Speak Sermon Scripture: Joshua Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  The promised land on earth comes with its challenges.  We are called to clear out other gods that want to take up space in our heart and choose Jesus.  But, we have to make a choice. Deuteronomy 7:1-6,10 Joshua 1:2,5-7,9,18 What is the speech your life delivers? 1 Corinthians 3:2 Luke 6:45

One Victory

With deception Satan destroys (Revelation 16:13-16) With truth Jesus destroys (Revelation 19:11-21) With power God reigns victorious (Revelation 16:17-21; 19:1-2) With righteous deeds the church is prepared (Revelation 19:6-9) Any plan that makes life about us is the deceptive voice of Satan.  When we use the sword of truth to guide our life, we will be a prepared, righteous bride for the coming of the lamb.