Sermons on Salvation

Sermons on Salvation

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Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Great Commission

Sermon Series: Discipleship Sermon Title:  The Great Commission Speaker: Mark McCool There is no such thing as easy Christianity    Mat. 7:13-14 Mark 12:30:  Heart   ________________ and ________________ Soul   ________________, ___________ Mind   ________________, ______________ Strength    ________________  ___________ (what we do) Four parts of the Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 Part I:  “All _____________ in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Jesus is our _______________  _______________ Part II:  Make _________________ , ______________ them Two aspects: How COVID has affected us
Summer Sermon Series 2024 at Kalkaska Church of Christ

2nd Verse Same as the First

Sermon Series:  Summerize Sermon Title:  2nd verse same as the first Sermon Scripture: Romans 8:1-5 Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  The New Testament brought a new covenant between God and his people.  The story is the same, however.  We have a choice to follow Him or reject Him. 2 Kings 21:10-15; Matthew 1:21 1 Peter 5:10; Matthew 3:7-12 John 19:28-30 Luke 1:31-33 The covenant is new, the story is the same.  It’s all about His name. Romans 8:1-5
The Great Cover Up Sermon Series from March 2024 at the Kalkaska Church of Christ

Revealing Redemption

Sermon Series:  The Great Cover-Up Sermon Title:  Revealing Redemption Sermon Scripture: Genesis 3,37-50 Genesis 3:14-15 Genesis 37:4,8,11,18-20,23-24,26-28,33 Genesis 42:6-7 Genesis 50:15-20 Satan’s attempts to cover up God’s plan are God’s platform to uncover His redemption. Romans 12:2
One Thing Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ in November 2023

It Didn’t Die 30 Years Ago

Sermon Series:  One ThingSermon Title:  It didn’t die 30 years agoSermon Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10Sermon Big Idea: Salvation is not of our own doing.  It is by the grace of a holy God! 2:1-3 2:4-7 2:8-9 2:10 Luke 15:32 Grace is a gift to receive not a prize to achieve.
Outside In Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

If Jesus is Lord…

Sermon Series:  Outside InSermon Title:  If Jesus is our Lord, why ask for someone else’s opinionSermon Scripture: Acts 2Speaker: Jeff Badgero Mark 12:29-31John 20:31John 8:31-32Acts 22 Corinthians 7:10Acts 8:26-39Acts 9:1-8Acts 22:6-16 OMgEmphasis on small g – ‘Cause my God created the heavens and earthHe’s not a jokeHe’s not meant to be eye candyHe has no participation with our lust! So could we just repent of using His name in vain and stop doing it.
Eagle Eye Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

To Be Sure!

Does a Christian have the assurance of salvation? John 10:1-6 John 10:7-9 John 10:10-16 John 10:17-18 John 10:22-30 But can you lose that security? John 15:1-2 – by being pruned. Hebrews 3:12 – by choosing to leave. How do we abide? John 15:7,9,10 – In His words, His love, His commands John 10:1-30
Life Hacks from James

Saving Faith

Saving faith is… An attentive faith (1:19-21) An actionable faith (1:22-25) An unstained faith (1:26-27) A living faith (2:14-26) True faith is putting our life where our mouth is.
This is our Story

This is our Story

three stories of God working in us Alex & Katheryn Hockin – Newlyweds share how God brought them togetherScott & Nick – Hear how God uses young people to change lives.Kari & Christine – New Christians allowing God to serve the children with joy through them.
Galatians - Sermon Series at KCC

The Shield

5 Questions to know whether you are being a “foolish” Galatian: Have you heard and understood the Gospel? Do you believe the Holy Spirit is in you by way of faith or the law? Do you acknowledge that your journey to be like Jesus is a Spirit led thing, or a man led thing? Does God answer your prayers because of your faith or your works? Are you a son of Abraham? The law convicts.  A shield defends.

The Sermon You Don’t Want to Miss

Acts 9:1-19 Paul… Was an enemy of God but didn’t know it (v. 1-2) Had an eye opening experience with Jesus (v. 3-9) Had to overcome the doubts of others (v. 10-17) Experienced death as He united with Jesus (v. 18-19) We… Had/have a broken relationship with God (Romans 3:23) Have God’s Word as our light (Psalm 119:105) Have to overcome doubts (1 Corinthians 10:13) Are invited to experience death and unite with Jesus (Romans 6:3-4) Grace is giving us How COVID has affected us
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