Sermons on Questions

Sermons on Questions

The Bride of Christ

Sermon notes can be found on Feel free to make comments too. Why does the church look and sound more like the world? WHEN DO PEOPLE RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT? IF IT’S WHEN YOU’RE BAPTIZED, WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN ACTS THAT HAD BEEN BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS, BUT DIDN’T RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT UNTIL THE APOSTLES LAID HANDS ON THEM? Why is the church so judgmental?

How about some concrete shoes?

1. Sometimes the Bible just gives hints Question: Do pets go to Heaven? Revelation 6:1-2 Revelation 4:7 2. Sometimes the Bible gives clarity Question: How old is the earth? Genesis 5:1-5 3. Sometimes the Bible makes us presume Question: Why did Noah curse Canaan? Genesis 9:20-29 4. All the time the Bible reveals God’s desire Question: Can you be a Christian and a practicing homosexual? Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26-27 Hebrews 13:4 Galatians 5:19-21 Romans 6:1-14 Revelation 2:1-5