Sermons on Freedom in Christ
Shedding the Shackle
Sermon Series: The Great Cover-Up Sermon Title: Shedding the Shackles Sermon Scripture: Exodus Exodus 1:1-14,22 Exodus 2:23-25; 3:19-20; 6:1 Exodus 12:1-13 Exodus 12:29-32 Revelation 1:4-5 John 8:34-36 Nothing can free us from death except the mighty hand of God, which reveals itself as cleansing blood.
Dangerously Hopefilled
Sermon Series: Beyond BeliefSpeaker: Andy BrattonSermon Scripture: Romans 8:1Sermon Big Idea: Living free can be a joyful place but a scary one as well. In our freedom will we choose to pursue Jesus or rest on our false security? Romans 8:1-2 Romans 8:3-4 Romans 8:5-8 Romans 8:9-11 John 7:53-8:11 Does our life reflect law or love? Does our life reflect condemnation or freedom? Does our life reflect obedience or ambivalence? Matthew 7:13-14