Table for 4, Please

Table for 4, Please

Luke 15:1-2

1. Are we family who grumble or family who can’t contain our excitement? a. Acts 16:28-33

Luke 15:3-7
2. Are we Pharisees who are content we still have 99 or a Christ follower who

hurts over the one? a. Galatians 4:8-9

Luke 15:8-10
3. Are we Pharisees who look down on those who lost, or a family who help

celebrate what is found? a. Luke 18:9-14

Luke 15:11-32
4. Do we focus on who is lost or what we lost?

a. Matthew 23:27-28 Luke 15:1-2

A Biblical worldview of the parables of the lost reveals it is about teshuva, returning to God.

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