"Gospel" Tagged Sermons

"Gospel" Tagged Sermons

The One Plan Sermon Series at the Kalkaska Church of Christ

Next One

Sermon Series:  The One PlanSermon Title: Next OneSermon Scripture: Mark 8; Colossians 1:16; Isaiah 43:6-7; Galatians 2:20Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea:  Our journey through this life is filled with steps.  Each step equals growth.  How will we travel this journey? Our goal this year is to clearly identify the steps of discipleship and to challenge you to take the next one.
Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Great Commission

Sermon Series: Discipleship Sermon Title:  The Great Commission Speaker: Mark McCool There is no such thing as easy Christianity    Mat. 7:13-14 Mark 12:30:  Heart   ________________ and ________________ Soul   ________________, ___________ Mind   ________________, ______________ Strength    ________________  ___________ (what we do) Four parts of the Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 Part I:  “All _____________ in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Jesus is our _______________  _______________ Part II:  Make _________________ , ______________ them Two aspects: How COVID has affected us

First Things First

The core of the Christian faith is explained in simple terms: God loves you and The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news!