"Christian" Tagged Sermons
Next One
Sermon Series: The One PlanSermon Title: Next OneSermon Scripture: Mark 8; Colossians 1:16; Isaiah 43:6-7; Galatians 2:20Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea: Our journey through this life is filled with steps. Each step equals growth. How will we travel this journey? Our goal this year is to clearly identify the steps of discipleship and to challenge you to take the next one.
Disciple One
Matthew 4:18-19 The definition of a disciple is a follower, a student. Jesus’s followers, make Jesus followers. Matthew 28:16-20 What we teach matters. We need to teach obedience to Jesus’s commands. Jesus expects his followers to make more followers. Discipleship costs. 1 Timothy 4:7b-8 The benefits of discipleship are worth the costs. Year one of the 3 year plan of Reach One:
Celebrate with One
Luke 15:1-7,8-10 1 Corinthians 3:6; Romans 1:16 Luke 15:7,10,22-24 Year one of the 3 year plan of Reach One: Pray for each other, have one conversation about the Gospel, and celebrate when God brings growth!
Share with One
Philippians 3:14Failure in evangelism is not evangelizing.
Pencils Down, How’d You Do?
Big Idea: We have been called to grow like Jesus and to grow to be like Jesus. Luke 2:41-44 2:45-47 2:48-52 Philippians 2:1-11 2:12-18 After 10 years of reflection…
Altered Perspective
Sermon Series: X FactorSermon Title: Altered PerspectiveSpeaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea: When Jesus is a part of our life, our perspective changes from being inward to outward. Luke 1:26-35; Matthew 13:53-56; Mark 6:3 Mark 1:16-20; Mark 2:13-14; Mark 1:40-42; Matthew 5:1-12 Matthew 25:13,21,40; Matthew 22:36-40; Matthew 28:18-20 The announcement of Jesus into this world is not about lights, it’s about lives.
Prayer 101
Sermon Series: Teach us to Pray!Sermon Title: Prayer 101Sermon Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea: Prayer 101 is a start, but let’s strive to get to the 400 level of prayer. Matthew 6:9-13 Nehemiah 1:4-11 Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16; 1 Timothy 2:1; Matthew 5:44 Romans 8:26-28; Acts 12:12; Acts 4:31 Prayer is communicating with a Holy God in reverence, for repentance, and with requests.
Sermon Series: Teach us to PraySermon Scripture: Daniel 2,9Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea: Daniel’s heart was what made his prayers powerful, effective, and worth modeling. The first instruction of prayer is to start with the right attitude. Luke 11:1 James 5:16 Daniel 2:17-18,19-23 Daniel 9:1-4 Daniel 9:5-8 Daniel 9:9-19 Learning how to pray starts with the proper posture, which puts God in his proper position.
Beware, Care, and Prayer
Sermon Series: Through New Eyes Sermon Title: Beware, Care, and Prayer Sermon Scripture: Matthew 16 Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea: The election can be a distraction from the most important thing in life and that is following Jesus. Don’t miss who He is in the midst of deciding who you are. Matthew 16:1-4 Matthew 16:5-12 Matthew 16:13-20 Matthew 16:21-23 Matthew 16:24-28 Daniel 7:13-14 We are and always will be under the authority of Jesus, the one true King!
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