Online Baby Dedication

Online Baby Dedication

Sunday, May 10, 2020 at KCC

On Mother’s Day each year we give parents an opportunity to dedicate their children, usually newborn children, to Jesus. This is an opportunity for parents to declare their intent to raise their child to know and love Jesus (it’s not for salvation). The church’s job is to hold the parents accountable and to provide the environments that will help the parents be successful on their journey.  

The Parent-Child Dedication includes not just children that have been born since last Mother’s Day, but to include those parents with young children who may have never had the opportunity to dedicate their children to Jesus.  It may be a family new to faith or new to church in general. 

KCC will be doing our Parent Child Dedication a bit different this year. If you would like to dedicate your child/children on Sunday, May 10th, please send a video introducing your child/children. Please include the parent’s name/names, the child’s name & how old they are. Keep the video to one minute or less please. CLICK HERE to upload your video no later than by Sunday, May 3rd.  If you need help uploading or have questions, please contact the church via email or phone.