A short-term mission team from KCC will be serving with Go Ministries in Santiago, Dominican Republic this fall from November 5 – 12, 2022. Go Ministries offers four various options for short-term teams including church planting, community development, medical, and sports. Given the makeup of our team members, we will be covering two of the options – Medical and Community Development. Team members planning to go include:
- Michelle Price (Team leader)
- Matt Price
- Rita Snyder
- Jessica Sprague
- Hanna Sprague
- Samantha Sprague
- Tasha Wagner
- Bobby Deeds
- Becky McDermont
- Dr. Richard Hodgman
- Dawn Hinton
- Diane Palmer
- Michelle Navoni
- Jon VandeKopple
- Tiffany VandeKopple
- Liam VandeKopple
- Caid VandeKopple
- Adeline VandeKopple
Team members must raise approximately $1,700 ($1,050 trip + $630 airfare). Please keep these individuals in prayer as they make preparations. Go Ministries exists to empower local leaders to make disciples as God redeems people, renews communities, and restores creation through mutual transformation.