Sermons from 2019 (Page 4)

Sermons from 2019 (Page 4)

Galatians - Sermon Series at KCC


Peter had new life Peter had the Holy Spirit Peter had renewed courage Peter stood condemned – Galatians 2:11 A reminder of how bad we are, can destroy the confidence we have in whose we are. One lesson in 4 parts: Journey with Jesus Seek Scripture Sharpen and be Sharpened Show Compassion Serve Sacrificially
Galatians - Sermon Series at KCC


Galatians 2:1-16 Paul’s message was affirmed by the Elders. Paul’s audience was affirmed by the Elders. Paul’s plan was affirmed by the Elders. To avoid being deceived, sometimes it is good to refresh our MAP.
Galatians - Sermon Series at KCC

I should Have Listened to My Mom!

Don’t let people label you.  Identify with Jesus. Avoid bad company.  Good company is where Jesus is present. Don’t take my word for it.  Let God speak for Himself. The best wisdom a mother can offer is, “God loves you,” and, “The Gospel is true.”
Life in three words at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Come Have Breakfast

Luke 5:27-32 Luke 14:7-14 The table was an important place of Jewish fellowship. The table was reserved for special guests. The table provided Jesus a teaching opportunity. It is important who you invite. It is important to behave properly as an invitee. The table was a place of restoration. John 21:1-14 For Peter, the table was a nod from Jesus saying, “It’s okay, I forgive you. Matthew 26:26-29 Who do you need to invite to breakfast this week? When we How COVID has affected us
Life in three words at Kalkaska Church of Christ

He is Risen

John 20:1-10 Peter and John saw and believed. John 20:11-18 Mary Magdalene said, “I have seen.” John 20:19-23 The Disciples, “saw the Lord.” John 20:24-29 Thomas said, “Unless I see.” John 20:30-31 John wrote these words “…so that you…”
Kalkaska Church of Christ - The Great Distraction Sermon Series

The Green Monster

Acknowledge that it all belongs to God – Psalm 89:11; 24:1 Believe this world is not our home – Hebrews 13:14 Control money before it controls you – Proverbs 22:7; Luke 14:28 Distribute it God’s way Storehouse – Malachi 3:10 Seek a cause – 1 Corinthians 16:2 Save – Proverbs 13:11 Spend – Proverbs 22:7; 21:20 Genesis 4:1-7; Hebrews 11:1-4 Managing money is all about faith and fear.  Do I trust and respect God enough to turn it all over How COVID has affected us