Posts from August 2024

Posts from August 2024

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Even the Smallest Person

One of my favorite movie phrases comes from The Lord of the Rings: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” This resonates with me because Freya was born at less than 4 lbs, she has changed the future of myself, Molly, and many others as well. This is one of the many reasons I love God’s word. It’s filled with stories of ordinary people doing crazy things for God. God can use anybody. God can use YOU. How COVID has affected us
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“I don’t Know”

I hate not knowing the answer to a question. I don’t like having to say, “I don’t know.” I feel like it’s some sort of failure. A blemish in my character. I should know, but I don’t. It may also be a prideful thing. The professor, the teacher would know the answer. The student…probably not.  Sometimes I don’t know because I have forgotten. Other times I don’t know because I never knew. Regardless of why I have to say “I don’t know” I How COVID has affected us
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Sign Posts Pointing to God

God’s creation is fascinating! During our SCUBA VBS, the kids learned about different undersea animals. Did you know that the octopus has a tiny brain at the end of each of its 8 tentacles? That allows each one of its arms to move faster and independently. An octopus also has 3 hearts; 2 pump blood to the gills, and one to the rest of the body. It was on the 5th day of creation that God said, “Let the water team with living creatures…” An octopus How COVID has affected us