Posts from August 2021

Posts from August 2021


The Cost of Discipleship

For two more Sundays we are going to look at the topic of Discipleship and what it means to be a disciple and why we should follow Jesus.  I think one of the biggest misnomers in our world is that a relationship with Jesus stops at the baptismal or as some would say, “when someone bends the knee.”  And it is challenging to address because we point everyone to “making a decision.”  In making a decision we instruct people they How COVID has affected us
Severe Storm Warning Article from Kalkaska Church of Christ

Emergency Warnings

Kalkaska had a HUGE storm last night. Actually, most of the state of Michigan had storms. I know this because it was starting to get bad out, so I turned on the TV and there were Thunderstorm warnings all over the ticker at the bottom of the TV screen. The warnings are there so that we all know it’s coming and so that we can prepare. If you were watching TV last night or on the internet or even looked How COVID has affected us
Summer Games and Faith

Summer Games and Faith

The Summer Olympic Games are happening in Toyko, Japan this week. Over 11,000 athletes from all over the world representing 206 countries are competing for their homeland and prestigious gold, silver, and bronze medals. Each athlete represents countless hours of practice, sacrifice, and dedication to their sport. They discipline themselves through diet and exercise in such a way to become one of the best in their game. The training is both physical and mental as they push their bodies to How COVID has affected us
KCC E-News

A Grand Reception

In the book of Philemon (only one chapter long), Paul is writing to this guy named, you guessed it, Philemon, and to a lady named Apphia and the church meeting in Philemon’s home.  I don’t know if Philemon and Apphia are married, but it doesn’t really matter for us. Paul shares that he remembers them fondly because of the love they have, the faith they have, and the fact that they are sharing their faith.  And his prayer is that How COVID has affected us