Posts from June 2020

Posts from June 2020

E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Lesson of the Sneeches

By Tim Severance, Associate Minister The Sneeches The Dr. Seuss story, “The Sneeches” has been one of my favorite stories since childhood.  The Sneeches were fine left to themselves. They enjoyed daily life eating, working, playing with one another. Until one day, this chap named, Sylvester McMonkey McBean, showed up with a machine that could put stars on their bellies thus differentiating one Sneech from another. That’s when the problems began. Pride, jealousy, and envy crept in as some Sneeches had stars How COVID has affected us
Squirrel - Grand Canyon National Park

Squirrels on Course

I am amazed at how squirrels are creatures of habit. As I write this I have a squirrel outside my window eating all of the bird feed my wife put out for the, well, birds. And he/she cleaned it right out.

Take a Deep Breath

By Sara Blasko, Children’s Ministry Director Have you ever been helping someone lift something REALLY heavy and then all of the sudden realized that you aren’t actually doing anything and that they have taken the brunt of the weight? Growing up with no brothers and two little sisters and a dad that always had a million projects going, I was asked to help with a lot. Several times during construction projects, my dad would ask for help carrying a heavy How COVID has affected us